Tea for a Cause
The Historical Society in my hometown hosts fundraisers every year to raise money to maintain the community’s historical house and its collections. Earlier this year, I wondered whether there would be much interest in holding an afternoon tea as a fundraiser? After much discussion with my sister who is a member of the Society and the rest of the Historical Society members, the decision to have it in the summer was unanimous.
This past weekend, it was held at the local church. And while it took a lot of preparation and coordination, the outcome far exceeded any of our expectations. By the end of the event, members and guests were already talking about holding another one next year!
Centerpieces created from items collected from Society members’ homes.
Because there aren’t funds for decorations, Historical Society members were asked to collect items from their homes that could be used to create the appropriate ambiance for the tea. We then spent more than three hours the morning before the event setting up the room and creating centerpieces for the tables. It was so fun and interesting to see what everyone brought.
A combination of gold vintage cups and saucers with a doily and “pearls” really gave this centerpiece an elegant touch.
Fresh ivy added a beautiful natural look to this centerpiece.
The combination of old and contemporary items adorned this table.
Historical Society members and residents from the community donated gift items and baskets for a silent auction. Everyone involved was very generous and it significantly contributed to the fundraiser’s success.
Donated Gift Baskets lined one side of the room.
After a Historical Society member welcomed guests with a brief introduction to the Society and a poem reading, teenage volunteers poured tea, lemonade or water. Plates with three types of sandwiches, two warm savories, a scone with jam and cream, fruit, three mini desserts were then distributed. Each guest received a little goodie bag and my son entertained the group with tunes on his bagpipes.
My son entertained guests as they ate.
And to make the day even more special, we had guests draw names out of a large teapot to win tea-themed door prizes. It was such a fun way to end the day.
Many thanks to my sister, Historical Society members, members of the community and the church for their contributions to make this event possible. Even though necessary funds were raised, it was even more lovely to see ladies show up in hats, dresses and beautiful smiles. Afternoon tea really does make you happy!