A New Journey
This week my husband and I sadly loaded a truck and embarked on a new journey with our first-born - to University. Stopping for gas and food along the way, it took us almost 12 hours to get to our destination. My daughter was scheduled to move in to the dormitories the next morning. How did we get to this point so quickly?
Enjoying a cup of tea on the drive.
I’m glad there was time to fill a thermos with hot tea. And of course, I also brought biscuits to go with it. The familiar flavors seemed to calm us as we worried about what was to come.
Everything was so dry!
We had never driven in this part of the country before so it was so interesting to see how the landscape changed. It began with miles and miles of dry, heat-scorched earth. There was very little green to be seen. But once we got closer to another state, how everything changed!
The beautiful scenery after we entered another state.
It was very hot the day we unloaded everything on campus. We were a little bit tired and grumpy with all the activity the past couple days. But everything worked out and our little chick’s new life was about to begin.
Moving to the dormitory.
Our children may not realize it, but it is difficult for us as it is for them during this transition. We can only hope that just as the landscape on our drive went from dry to overflowing with green, their new life will flourish. We’ve done what we could to prepare them for this time and we will always be there for love and support. But now, it’s up to them to make their way.